A vocation is more than just another job; it is an entire way of life. A vocation is more than just another lifestyle; it is a total commitment. A vocation is more than just something one does; it is who one is. A vocation is a response to a call.
As with any “call,” there is someone “calling” and someone responding. When speaking of a vocation to the priesthood or life as a religious sister or brother, it is God who is calling to an entire way of life, a total commitment and an identity that is patterned on the life of Jesus Christ. This call, however, comes in many forms, as many as those who hear it. Sometimes, the call is pretty clear and easy to discern. Other times, the call is less obvious and takes a bit of work. But, in either and both cases, God is still calling young men and women to follow him in the Catholic Church as priests, sisters and brothers. He is still offering them a vocation.
Men answering God's call to hand their lives over to his service and to the service of his people receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders when they are ordained as deacons, priests and bishops.
Why not you? Why not now?
Holy Orders is called a sacrament of apostolic ministry because our clergy undertake the same mission given by Christ to his apostles to be exercised in the Church until the end of time.
If there is someone you know considering a vocation in the Church, share this little essay with them. You have nothing to lose. The world, the Catholic Church, you and they have everything to gain.
For more information, contact the vocations office at